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”This game was supposed to be released already in 2003. I had the game system figured out and the designs of the cards already back then. For whatever reason we decided to postpone the release of the game. During the years there have been multiple occasions, tours, events and such when this game was once again brought into consideration to be released as a merch item. While the years have passed and merchandising licencees and co-operators have come and gone, this deck of cards has been redesigned God knows how many times. Well, I know.

First time it was redone in 2006 when the first real line-up change occurred in the band.
Obviously I wanted to have that current line-up in the game. During Babes For Breakfast-era the same thing happened, and back then it was supposed to be a part of the Breakfast Box. It was left out at the very last minute, and it was the only item that was left out of the planned items. The last time the Monstropoly was almost available at the Lordi merch stand was on the Monstour 2016. It was already being printed, but the items never arrived in time.

So, finally, here it is. It is retouched, and compared to the original version from 15 years ago, it now has all the past members as well. Monstropoly is a two player game, but you can try with more players. I have. It does work but you have to change the battle system a bit and decide how many cards the winner shall have as opposed to the ones losing. I’m way too tired right now to think about that. You figure it out. So yeah, this game was forgotten for years and then remembered again and again only to be forgotten once more. I am very happy that it finally sees the light of day. I hope that amongst you Lordi fans there are bastards as nerdy and geeky as myself. I’ve been playing Monstropoly on and off with my friends for a goddamn decade already. Now it’s your turn.


Yeah. And I suck at it. So feel free to challenge me, I’m an easy opponent.”

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The goal of the game is to collect as many battle teams as possible and to win the opponent’s teams with them.

The game is played through multiple rounds of battles between the characters. The game consists of two phases.
The first phase is assembling a player´s army, the second phase is the battles between the teams.

The player with most points received from the battles wins the game.

The deck consists of 54 cards.


There are 10 teams in the deck and every team consists of 5 character cards.
The symbol that indicates the team is on the left side of the card, right above the name of the character of the card.

The teams are:












There are also four wild cards in the deck: 
Those wild cards are Drummer G-Stealer, Magnum and Nalle.
Each of these wild cards can replace any team member in any of the teams.


There are 14 Lordi member cards in the deck. These are the most valuable cards in the game! 10 band members (past and present) have their own teams. The leader of the team is always a Lordi member indicated by Lordi logo letter (
L, O, R, D, I).

There is one (1) L-letter (Mr. Lordi) and one (1) O-letter (Amen). There are four (4) R-letters(Hella, Awa, Enary, Nalle),
four (4) D-letters (Ox, Kalma, G-Stealer, Magnum) and four (4) I-letters (Mana, Otus, Kita, Drummer).

The ultimate team, which only one player can collect, is the LORDI line-up team.
To get this team, a player must collect a hand of cards, that together form the word LORDI.
Even though there are multiple line-up possibilities (for example 4 different band member cards with the letter R), there is only one L and only one O. So, to be able to have the line-up, a player must have the Lordi card and the Amen card.

Note that the wild cards can not be exchanged for other letters than the one indicated on that card.


PHASE 1, assembling the army:
Shuffle the deck. Each player receives 4 cards in the dealing.
The rest of the deck will be placed face down on the table.

Each player chooses a card from their hand to battle the opponents card.
The cards are placed on the table simultaneously and once the card is reveiled, it cannot be withdrawn.

The cards are placed on the table with the top of the cards facing each other.

The card with more
FORCE wins the round.
The force consists of two sources:

The stike force of the card is shown in the square next to the character. Srike forces vary from +1 to +7.

In the same square there is also a symbol of a weapon (axe, ankh, gun, knife, poison or magic).
The same symbol in opponent’s card will show the value of player’s weapon force in each round.

So, the
FULL FORCE of the card is the sum of the STRIKE FORCE value from player’s cardand the WEAPON FORCE value from opponent’s card. 
(For example Awa-card with +7 poison category against Kin-card’s +4 knife category results +1 poison category for Awa and +0 knife category for Kin. Awa wins with + 8 against Kin’s +4. FIG 2)

















In case of a tie a card is drawn from the deck and it will give the weapon force values for each player.
This card is not the one that gets to be picked by the winner. After the round, this card is put under the deck.

If the result is tie again, the next step is to compare the plain strike force points of the cards, and obviously the bigger value wins. If even that should result in a tie again, the card with a bigger sum of all the weapon force points added together wins. 

The winner of the round gets to pick the top card from the deck, not showing it to the opponent. The winner is entitled to choose any two cards of the 3 available cards – the 2 just played and the 1 from the deck. It is up to the winner which cards he chooses. The loser of the round must pick the card that is left.  If the winner chooses the two cards just played, the loser gets the card picked from the top of the deck by the winner.

After the first round, the result should be that the winner of the round has 5 cards and the loser of the round has 4 cards.

In other words, on every round the winner increases his army by 1 card.

These battles are played until the whole deck is done. To enter phase 2 of the game succesfully, 
a player should have collected as many five card member teams as possible. (It is possible that the other player might have multiple teams in his hand, while the other player has only one or even none. In this case, if a player didn’t get a single one full team, he loses the game automatically.)

PHASE 2, battles between the teams:
From each collected team, a player receives 10 points. Of any incomplete teams (1-4 members of the team collected),
a player receives 1 point per card. (For example, if a player has collected 4 members of the team Ox, he receives 4 points.

If a player has collected the whole Ox team of 5 members, he receives 10 points.

(For example, a player with 3 full teams and 7 cards with no full teams gets 37 points.)

At the beginning of phase two, after counting the points so far, each player keeps his completed teams and puts the rest of his cards away. These cards will be shuffled to form a deck which is placed face down to table. Even at it’s smallest, the deck will have at least 4 cards.

The complete 5 member teams are put face down on the table in individual decks
(1 deck = 1 team).

The number of rounds in phase two is the same as the number of teams held by the player with less teams.

For example, if one player has 5 teams and the other only 2, phase two then consists of two rounds.

The player with more teams, will have to choose which teams he picks into the battles.

The rest of his teams will be put in the deck.

In every round, a player chooses one of his teams to battle against opponents team of choice. The player with less points plays a card from his team first. The opponent answers with one of his cards – a card which he thinks has a chance to win. Now, both cards are on the table. A third card is drawn from the deck. This card gives the WEAPON values to be added to each players STRIKE FORCE. The player who results with a bigger FORCE, wins this pair and gets 5 points. The loser of the pair will have to open the next pair. The battle between two teams takes 5 card to card battles. 
In total, the battle between two teams, can result 25 points for one player if he wins all 5 rounds.

LORDI line-up team

This team is special and the most valuable team of all. If a player has a line-up team, he wins the team battle round automatically just by showing the team at the beginning of the team battle round.


After all team battles are played, and all the cards are back in the deck, player with most points wins the Monstropoly Battle!

If these instructions seem confusing and impossible to follow, you can also turn the cards upside down and use them as normal playing cards for playing Poker or some other stupid shit like that.

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